Auction Catalog

Thank you for helping QAE PTSA raise funds that provide school programs that impact every student. All active online bidding has ended.  Feel free to continue to sign up for teacher sign up parties, purchase your student photos or make a direct donation through the Raise the Paddle option.

If you have additional questions please reach out to

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Displaying items 1 - 12 of 175 in total

Raise the Paddle - Online

Value: $0

Student Photos - print

#800 Donated by: Friends of QAE
Value: $25
Closed - 76 Unsold

Student Photos - Digital File

#801 Donated by: Friends of QAE
Value: $40
Closed - 185 Unsold

2nd Grade Movie Day SIFF Film Ce...

#279 Donated by: Second Grade Teachers
Value: $45
Closed - 14 Unsold

3rd Grade Carkeek Park Extravaganza

#280 Donated by: Third Grade Teachers
Value: $45
Closed - 12 Unsold

Fifth Grade Teacher Experience

#273 Donated by: Fifth Grade Teachers
Value: $50
Closed - 3 Unsold

Movie, Friendship and Rootbeer F...

#284 Donated by: Fourth Grade Teachers
Value: $30
Closed - 4 Unsold

Poker Party Participant

#901 Donated by: Lehmann and Free Families
Value: Priceless!
Closed - 9 Unsold

Poker Party Spectator

#902 Donated by: Lehmann and Free Families
Value: $25
Closed - 5 Unsold

Stylish QAE Shopping Party At Pe...

#900 Donated by: Peridot Boutique
Value: $100
Closed - 15 Unsold

Venture Kits Carnival Games Play...

#906 Donated by: Venture Kits
Value: $200
Closed - 6 Unsold

5 Preschooler French Classes (2 ...

#281 Donated by: French Mornings Preschool
Value: $300
Bidding Closed - Unsold