Auction Catalog

Thank you for helping QAE PTSA raise funds that provide school programs that impact every student. All active online bidding has ended.  Feel free to continue to sign up for teacher sign up parties, purchase your student photos or make a direct donation through the Raise the Paddle option.

If you have additional questions please reach out to

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Displaying items 25 - 28 of 28 in total

Venture Kits Art Auction

Venture Kits

Venture Kits Treats To-Go

Venture Kits

Get those binoculars ready for an evening full of nature fun! Send your child on an owling adventure with Ms. Knapp (and the other first grade teachers) at Discovery Park! Students will be taking a quiet walk around the park to explore and search for Owls during the evening - plus, they will be provided some special treats (hot cocoa/sweet treat) and materials for their search!

[5 spots available per class. Scheduled for Friday, May 19th, DUSK (TBD) -2 hours after.]

Get those binoculars ready for an evening full of nature fun! Send your child on an owling adventure with Ms. Knapp (and the other first grade teachers) at Discovery Park! Students will be taking a quiet walk around the park to explore and search for Owls during the evening - plus, they will be provided some special treats (hot cocoa/sweet treat) and materials for their search!

[5 spots available per class. Scheduled for Friday, May 19th, DUSK (TBD) -2 hours after.]

Get those binoculars ready for an evening full of nature fun! Send your child on an owling adventure with Ms. Knapp (and the other first grade teachers) at Discovery Park! Students will be taking a quiet walk around the park to explore and search for Owls during the evening - plus, they will be provided some special treats (hot cocoa/sweet treat) and materials for their search!

[5 spots available per class. Scheduled for Friday, May 19th, DUSK (TBD) -2 hours after.]

Student Photos - Custom Framing ...

Queen Anne Frame